Doña Francisquita

Luigi M. Faccini / Italia 2016 / 240 min / VOSC

[mini-icon icon=”time”] Thursday 14/9 19.00h
[mini-icon icon=”map-marker”] Sala Chomón – Filmoteca de Catalunya
[mini-icon icon=”play-circle”] Documentary

Dated Autumn 1938, the lovely cover photo taken in Anzio when the racial laws were about to be enforced by the Fascist regime. On that day, the Piperno, Fornari, and Sonnino families had gathered to decide how to save themselves. To the far right is a little girl with an astonished face. It’s Marina Piperno, age 3. Over 70 years later, that child, after a fervent life behind the camera as producer (the first woman in Italy to take on a role that was typically for males), now stands in front of the camera to tell the fractured story of those families. Along with Luigi Faccini, her long-term cinematic partner in crime, they present a transcontinental journey in search of cousins, twice and thrice removed, who live in the USA, Israel, and Italy. A story that starts off in Pitigliano and flies off to New York, and then traverses the Negev desert, stopping in Masada,

kibbutzes in Galilee, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and then back to Rome’s Jewish Ghetto, the cradle of the pursued families. And then to Boston, to celebrate a birth and the graduation of Rabbi Fornari. A powerful saga that unravels like One Thousand and One Nights while sitting in front of a cozy evening fire. Amidst old photographs with solemn poses, never-before-seen documents, surprising 9.5 mm footage, music

from worldwide, dozens of encounters and visual devices, Marina Piperno blends the past and present, giving life to both, revealing the persevering resilience of Jews

Presentation by Luigi Faccini and Marina Piperno


Posted on

28 July, 2017

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