Xueta Island

Catholics from the island of Mallorca were discriminated against for centuries because of the Jewish ancestry of their surnames. Not only did they endure stigma and humiliation: they were also deprived of their fundamental civil rights. Motivated by historical reparation and the exploration of their identity, some have returned to the faith of their ancestors, and their entry into the leadership of the local Jewish community has brought an unexpected earthquake among its members. Are they the best suited to lead Majorcan Judaism despite the fact that they will not pass on the renewed faith to their descendants?

Presentation and Q/A by the director Ofer Lazewicki and the producer Dani Rotstein

Dani Rotstein
Content producer, entrepreneur and storyteller, he settled in Mallorca in 2014 and for years traveled around the world producing commercials for major commercial brands. He founded Jewish Majorca, an initiative that offers historical tours through the old town of Palma and organizes constant social events to promote Jewish activities on the island. In addition, he produces and supervises the editing of clips and designs social media content strategy for various clients.

Ofer Laszewicki
Multimedia journalist, with a master’s degree in International Politics from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. Based in Tel Aviv, he collaborated for years as a freelancer for many media in Spain and Latin America. He is currently editor and broadcaster of the program Kan in Spanish on Israel’s national radio, correspondent for the newspaper La Razón (Madrid), and films and edits videos for social networks and international press agencies. In 2017 he published the book Israel out of focus: portraits of society beyond the conflict (UOC publishing house), a selection of reports exploring the diversity of Israeli society.

Felipe Wolokita, Ofer Lazewicki
Spain, 2021. Documentary
63 min.

Sun. 8/10 – 18:00h
Filmoteca – Sala Chomón