Compatible – One in Love

Deborah is a Jewish girl who lives with her parents in a suburb of Lyon. Rachid lives near her with her Muslim family. Although Rachid and Deborah are fully aware that their love will never be accepted by their respective families, they still see each other at night hoping to keep their relationship a secret. When Deborah finds out that she is pregnant, she tells Rachid, who insists that she have an abortion. Deborah gives birth to twins without his knowledge, and the babies are put up for adoption. Twenty-six years later, the twins, named Ethan and Yacine, are promising young men who have been raised in separate homes, one by a Muslim family and the other by a Jewish family. Neither of the two brothers knows that the other exists. Until Fate will make them meet and search together for their biological mother and father. With a message of enduring hope and tolerance, Compatible is an emotionally charged feature film that makes you cry and laugh from start to finish.

Patrick Attali, Thibaut Miche
France 2021
85 min.

Hicham Harrag, Samir Harrag, Laura Chabot, Nouamen Maamar, Eric Soubelet, Ali Boulabiar, Agnès Godey, Joseph de Gabriel

Friday 7/10 – 17.00h
Sala Chomón

Tuesday 11/10 – 18.00h
Sala Laya